How far is too far to be away from the hospital you plan on giving birth at?How far would you travel to the hospital to give birth?Personally, I will be having an unassisted home birth, so just in case you may want to be prepared.
Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about an hour and a half. My mother gave birth at a hospital 2 hrs awaywith me, and with my brother she ended up just having to take a detour to another hospital that was a little closer but not where she wanted.
My suggestion, have a detailed birth plan on you. Let your husband/mother or whoever you will have with you exactly how you want things to go, and know the way to another hospital just in case. You'll be fine. They say most people go to he hospital way too early for their first birth anyway so the ride might be good for you.How far would you travel to the hospital to give birth?
An hour and a half is a bit too far for me, personally. Chances are good that you'll have plenty of warning, but I'd rather stay close to home. I wouldn't want to go into labor during a's the bride and groom's day, and I'd be so embarressed to take attention away from them!
Plenty of people do live far away from hospitals and do just fine. It's really up to your comfort level and what your doctor suggests. Good luck!How far would you travel to the hospital to give birth?I have had to go at least 40 minutes to get to the hospital. When your contractions get going on a regular basis, i would head on out if the hospital is very far away. Best of luck!
i had quick labours with both mine so i wouldnt go more than 30mins away and its lucky i didnt lolHow far would you travel to the hospital to give birth?Thats up to the baby once it decides to come.Then thats it.
Good LuckHow far would you travel to the hospital to give birth?
Could you possibly deliver before the wedding? Like have a forced delivery or whatever its called?
I would not travel that far, as I'm afraid I would deliver in the car!!!
Or have an ems teamat the wedding to assist you =)
THt would make for a great wedding.
My hospital is an hour and 40 mins away.How far would you travel to the hospital to give birth?
I don't think an hour %26amp; 1/2 is too far. More than likely you will be @ home for longer than that in labor before you head to the hospital anyway.
Well, considering you probably won't give birth exactly on your due date, I would go.
Though, you may already have your baby by then!
Everyone is different. Most labors take quite a few hours. Mine was only 5 hours, but that was considered short. I also gave birth exactly one week before my due date.
depends if its your first you should be ok if you have a strong pain threshold but if its your 2nd or more then i would think of an alternative
i personnally wouldnt want to go that far away from my hospital. i lived 45 minutes from the hospital i was going to end up delivering at and so i moved my family into the area of the hospital for awile.
My midwife told me not to travel more than 2 1/2 hours outside from where I live. My delivery hospital is an hour from where I live now.
I wouldn't do it. I was already dilated and not having any contractions, and had a pretty quick labor. I would be worried I wouldn't notice the very early signs. You are probably safe, but think of your hubby having to drive an hour and a half with you in labor...he will probably be frantic (also think about traffic too)! I personally wouldn't want to be more than 30 mins away from a hospital towards the very end. I am sure that your family would understand, send them a beautiful gift, and be sure to visit with them once they are settled and you are too!
its not always a probven fact that a baby is going to be born right on the due date.. but i would try and stya close to home
i would go as far as i could if thats the hospital i felt comfortable with sharing the birth of my baby, it was very important to me so i went to royal oak, from commerce its about a 45 minute drive. She was delivered on her due date, my labor started at 1202 am. barely on her due date but just the same. I would go to the event just pack your bag for the delivery just in case
There isn't even an answer for this one. Unless you can see into the future. Some babies just literally want out and will not wait for you to even make a phone call to get help, while others just take their sweet time before making their entrance.
You should talk to your doctor, take an assessment the day prior as to how dilated you are on the day you'll be travelling. Then take this information and make your decision.
If you haven't dilated even one centimetre, then go for it.
Good luck with baby, oh, and have a nice trip.
Oh yea, you should have pleeeenty of time. I would totally go. Well honestly I wouldn't go, I think weddings are kind of annoying and I'd use pregnancy as an excuse. Especially if I was feeling like a horse or couldn't find a dress!
If it's your first baby, you are probably safe going to the wedding. But I would hop in the car and head home the minute you suspect it is labor.
If this is a first baby your probably safe going to the wedding, however should labor in fact start, it could be a very long drive with contractions!
I would not give birth. I'm a man.
Well if you absolutely have to go to the wedding, try and find a hospital near the wedding just in case the worst case scenario happens...
I think it's in the best interest of your baby and even you to not go to the wedding. Your family should understand that your health and the baby's should come first. It's not like you are purposely avoiding the wedding, so your intentions are good. Besides, what if you give birth in the car or your water breaks at the wedding, that's kinda embarssing and honestly ruins the day for the bride. To be sure though, ask a doctor as to what is the best plan....
we have to go about 45 mins away as the nearest hospital doesnt have thedelivery ward so we have to the next one 23 miles away stupid aint it
my first time the hosp was about 10 mins away - the waters broke and it was another 36 hours after that when she put in her first appearance.
this time, the hosp is about 25mins away.
well, its up to you, but whats wrong with giving birth at another hospital? its all individual what happens in 1.5 hours.. and whether your travel is delayed blah blah blah..
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