Monday, January 30, 2012

What kind of waves will travel down a horizontal metal rod if you strike it vertically and horizontally?

What kind of waves do you think will travel down a horizontal metal rod if you strike its end (a) vertically from above and (b) horizontally parallel to its length?What kind of waves will travel down a horizontal metal rod if you strike it vertically and horizontally?Im not sure what you are looking for specifically, but if you:

(a) strike a metal rod on the end, it will create many types of waves at many frequencies. The highest amplitude waves may be longitudinal waves traveling along its length, but you will also excite countless other wave modes that will bounce around and propagate along the rod, these are called guided waves.

(b) strike it on the side it will produce similar results, but the guided wave modes will probably be different than from when you struck the end. There will probably be a high amplitude shear (or transverse) wave traveling down the rod in this case.

Hope this helps.

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